Comma Separator Tool Online

Convert your Excel and CSV column data to comma separated data and vice versa.

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A delimiter is one or more characters that separate text strings.

Clean Output

Toggle to remove new lines or duplicate records from output

Split On

Break on your string on the above characters or modes. Think of it as PHP function explode()

Wrap Output

Use this to add a prefix and a suffix to the output records. Works only if both fields are filled Example. <li>

Add Quotes to Output

Useful for arrays or SQL scripts

Interval Wrapping

Need grouping for your elements? Add it here.
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Size: 0

Online Comma Separator Tool

Being in the IT industry there are sometimes that you need to comma separate a list of values and throw it in an SQL Query or parse it as an array without writing code.

Comma Separator is created with this idea in mind.

It goes even further than just basic column data to comma separated data.

You can choose your own delimiter and you can choose where do your strings split.

You may have a comma separated dataset that you want to make it into a list.

Maybe add Double Quotes to all entries of the output. Simple click of a button.

Remove Duplicate entries? Got you covered. Empty lines? No no thats handled aswell

What is a Delimiter?

A delimiter is one or more characters that separates data in a dataset. It can be any character, but it is usually a comma, semicolon, or tab.

Delimiters are commonly used for splitting data into pieces that can be processed by another program or application more easily.

A quite common place to find delimiters is at CSV files (comma-separated values) where the most common delimiters are comma, tab and semicolon

Another place that it can be encountered is in functions of various programming languages to separate list or array elements or to separate function arguments.

String Tools